The Bears – A Sunday Photo Prompt Entry


 The Bears

I wobbled as I tried to regain my balance on the thin metal rail.

“Careful!” Kenzie screamed, “Don’t fall off the rail!”

I stuck my arms straight out and found my center. “Why not?”

“Duh! The bears will get you!”

I turned and frowned, but quickly gave up the expression as I wobbled again. “I thought that was the cracks in the pavement?”

“I’m being creative, come on, move it.”

I managed to keep my balance all the way to the bridge. I usually fell first, but this time it was a tie.

I turned around with a satisfied grin on my face, but Kenzie shook her head.

“Nope. Today we’re going to the other side! Then we’ll be safe from the bears.”

I stared at her, lost my balance and fell off the rail.

“Ha! I win! The bears got you!”

I held my hands up. “You win. Let’s go.”

She shook her head and kept going. “No way, the bears ain’t getting me.”

“Kenzie, come on, dad will have a fit if he finds out. It’s too dangerous.”

She turned and stuck her tongue out at me as she moved out over the open air.

I couldn’t go home, not after that, so now I live with the bears on the track, waiting for her to come back.

Sunday Photo Fiction

I haven’t been around for a while, and I missed taking part in this writing challenge! If you haven’t taken part before, check out the info below and give it a go!

Sunday Photo Fiction is a weekly Flash Fictionprompt based on the photo supplied below. If you wish to take part, the idea is to write a piece of fiction of around 100-200 words (usually called flash fiction).

Once you have written your story, please click on the blue creature below to add your story to the list. If you see other people’s faces there, then take a peek at their story and pop them a like a bit of feedback. It’s always nice to hear what other people think of your stories.

10 responses to “The Bears – A Sunday Photo Prompt Entry

  1. So many ways this could have been. The bears got her, a train hit her, she fell off the bridge. A great story, nice to see you back.

What do you think?